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Updated: Oct 17, 2020

You have big places, like New York City for example, or Tokyo, Mexico City, Shanghai, Bogota or Paris. They are all quite important. And then there is Antwerp. As you all know, Antwerp is on a level of it's own. The fact that they build railroads and high speed trains from Paris, London and Amsterdam to Antwerp says it all. Everybody wants to be there.

In Antwerp, people have a big mouth, and a big heart. They might be brave but quite often their big mouth surpasses their bravery. Not so in the case of tante Colette. She has it all. She is easily the bravest woman on this planet since Joan of Arc. She has a big heart too, and of course the typical big mouth. She intrigued me so much that I decided she needed a platform. So we worked together on a series of fabulous cards.

'Oat de franken teut van tante Colette' is a brand new series of greeting cards, focusing on Antwerp and its dialect. They will undoubtedly conquer the world, but right now, they are only available in Galerie Frits, and a few other places.

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